Therapeutic massage sessions are based on your goals and needs. Utilizing various modalities to reach deep-layer muscles and aid the body in both relaxation and restoration. We will discuss before each session to craft the perfect balance of relaxation and recovery specifically tailored to what your body tissues need that day.

Designed to stimulate the flow of lymph. The primary goals of MLD include reducing edema, and lymphedema (swelling caused by the accumulation of lymph fluid), improving the immune system's function, and promoting overall well-being. This involves gentle, rhythmic movements that encourage the movement of lymphatic fluid and assist in the drainage of waste products and toxins from the tissues. This therapy is often used in the management of conditions such as lymphedema, post-surgery swelling, and certain inflammatory disorders, aiming to enhance the body's natural detoxification and healing processes.

I believe in the innate power that the human body has to heal itself and that regular massage can help our bodies in this healing process.

I am here to create a safe and nurturing environment that allows you to achieve this state of relaxation.

At Kind Body Wellness, everyBody is welcome. I look forward to helping you feel your best.

-Jenny- Owner, LMT, CMDLT